My Independent case study
The basics
My chosen case study is Video games and consoles, and I will be focusing on X-Box one and how it links in with the impact on new and digital media. They use subscriptions to generate a lot of there profits, which initially shows that they put up a pay wall. This is similar to news as news industries now have on-line subscriptions, which means that if the audience want to consume their news, they need to pay a subscription fee. This shows that the news industry is using pay walls to generate higher profits.
X-Box one also generate profits from the on-line content that they have, for example with games like Call of duty and Halo, they on-line map packs and add ones that need to be purchased by the consumer in order for them to use the content. And as gaming has developed over the years, the demand for games and more interactivity is growing thus audiences are willing to pay these fees for more content. ...
Have you received approval for this case study from your teacher?
Research and answer the following tasks on your MEST3 exam blog:
1) How has new and digital media changed the audience experience in your chosen industry?
New and digital media changed the audience of my chosen industry as consumers of games and games consoles now want a lot more, for example the ability to play games on the move, whenever and where ever they want. This has been done through the PSP, however the release of the PS3 took a vast amount of PSP users off and brought them back to PS3. However seeing that they amount of people that use the PSP has dropped, they released a new updated, high tec version of the PSP called the PS Vita. This was a portable device that could be connected to a PS3 and PS4, it could be used a console in itself, or as a controller when connected to a Play Station console. It was made to feel similar to a PS4, with a slim sleek look and the aesthetics similar to a PS4 controller.
This shows that the audience are always looking for something new and innovative, and when something new is released the old is almost forgotten. Gaming is going to be taken to a whole new level in the future. Sony has released a new type of gaming experience under the codename 'Project Morpheus' this is a head mounted 360 degree virtual reality device, it will allow users to put the headset on and let them be in the game itself.
2) Has new and digital media changed the way the audience consume your chosen product?
Audiences now want new innovative gaming experiences, with a more realistic feel to the games that they play. Whereas before it was simply about the gaming experience. Now audiences don't just want to play games, they want to be involved in what they do and how they consume media.
3) Has the size of the audience changed as a result of new and digital media?
The amount of people that used to play games and the amount of people that play games now has changed drastically over the years, there are approximately half a billion people world wide that play computer and video games.
4) What are the positive changes new and digital media have brought to the audience of your case study? (E.g. greater choice, easier access etc.)
Now with almost everything connected to the internet, users can access almost everything from their consoles, they can watch movies, play games, down load games, watch t.v and so much more.
5) What are the negative changes new and digital media have had on your chosen audience? (E.g. quality of product etc.)
The negative changes in new and digital media is that because consoles are connected to the internet and a vast amount of gaming content is on line, there can be a range of problems that occur e.g. having a bad internet connection can ruin a whole game, and there are a lot of hackers that have hacked X Box and Play station, and they can shut down the connection whenever they want, and it had been done many times in the past.
6) What about audience pleasures - have these changed as a result of new and digital media?
The changes in new and digital media mean that the quality of gaming is much higher now, most consoles that are now out on the market are HD (high definition) and the quality of the moving image on the screen is close to perfect. This allows the audiences to gain a higher level of pleasure when gaming.
7) What is the target audience for your chosen case study? Write a demographic/psychographic profile.
Males and females
15 - 35
Middle class
1) How has new and digital media had an impact on ownership or control in your chosen industry?
2) What impact has new and digital media had on ownership in your chosen case study?
Research and answer the following tasks on your MEST3 exam blog:
1) How has new and digital media changed the audience experience in your chosen industry?
New and digital media changed the audience of my chosen industry as consumers of games and games consoles now want a lot more, for example the ability to play games on the move, whenever and where ever they want. This has been done through the PSP, however the release of the PS3 took a vast amount of PSP users off and brought them back to PS3. However seeing that they amount of people that use the PSP has dropped, they released a new updated, high tec version of the PSP called the PS Vita. This was a portable device that could be connected to a PS3 and PS4, it could be used a console in itself, or as a controller when connected to a Play Station console. It was made to feel similar to a PS4, with a slim sleek look and the aesthetics similar to a PS4 controller.
This shows that the audience are always looking for something new and innovative, and when something new is released the old is almost forgotten. Gaming is going to be taken to a whole new level in the future. Sony has released a new type of gaming experience under the codename 'Project Morpheus' this is a head mounted 360 degree virtual reality device, it will allow users to put the headset on and let them be in the game itself.
2) Has new and digital media changed the way the audience consume your chosen product?
Audiences now want new innovative gaming experiences, with a more realistic feel to the games that they play. Whereas before it was simply about the gaming experience. Now audiences don't just want to play games, they want to be involved in what they do and how they consume media.
3) Has the size of the audience changed as a result of new and digital media?
The amount of people that used to play games and the amount of people that play games now has changed drastically over the years, there are approximately half a billion people world wide that play computer and video games.
4) What are the positive changes new and digital media have brought to the audience of your case study? (E.g. greater choice, easier access etc.)
Now with almost everything connected to the internet, users can access almost everything from their consoles, they can watch movies, play games, down load games, watch t.v and so much more.
5) What are the negative changes new and digital media have had on your chosen audience? (E.g. quality of product etc.)
The negative changes in new and digital media is that because consoles are connected to the internet and a vast amount of gaming content is on line, there can be a range of problems that occur e.g. having a bad internet connection can ruin a whole game, and there are a lot of hackers that have hacked X Box and Play station, and they can shut down the connection whenever they want, and it had been done many times in the past.
6) What about audience pleasures - have these changed as a result of new and digital media?
The changes in new and digital media mean that the quality of gaming is much higher now, most consoles that are now out on the market are HD (high definition) and the quality of the moving image on the screen is close to perfect. This allows the audiences to gain a higher level of pleasure when gaming.
7) What is the target audience for your chosen case study? Write a demographic/psychographic profile.
Males and females
15 - 35
Middle class
1) How has new and digital media had an impact on ownership or control in your chosen industry?
2) What impact has new and digital media had on ownership in your chosen case study?
3) How has new and digital media changed the way institutions produce texts?
The texts that are now produced are different now to how they were produced, as games that are now produced are much more life like. For example GTA 5 heists, the game play is now more realistic in terms of how the game is played. The cars look more real, and the player can now play in first person view.
4) How has new and digital media changed the way institutions distribute their product?
As a vast amount of the population are connected to the internet, and have smart phones, and social media sites such as twitter have a high activity rate. Institutions are using this to their advantage, for example when the new X Box one was going to be released there were images of the console that were shown on line. This allows the audience to see what is being released thus making it more likely for them to purchase the product.
5) How might new and digital media threaten your chosen industry?
New and digital media can be a threat to my chosen industry, as there are now a range of other forms of entertainment that audiences have easy and free access too, for example downloading games on smart phones, furthermore developments in other consoles such as Play Station, are also a huge threat to X Box as they are the two biggest competitors in the gaming industry, and Play Station are always looking for new ways to satisfy their audience. For example PS are now looking to release a visual reality system, a head piece through which the gamer feels as if they are in the game.
6) How has new and digital media changed the way your chosen industry is regulated?
As games are more realistic the content of the games are more gory (in violent or horror games) thus most games are regulated at 18, which means that it will mostly be an older audience that is purchasing the games.
1)What examples of user-generated content can you find in your case study?
- Volume
-Shadowrun: Hong KONG
2) How has UGC changed things for audiences or institutions in your chosen case study?
UGC has not had any major impact on my industry, as the games that are made by gamers, or made in general, don't match the standard that games on the PS3/4 or XBox. Therefore UGC hasn't changed a lot in my chosen industry.
1) What would be a Marxist perspective of the impact of new and digital media on your chosen case study?
The texts that are now produced are different now to how they were produced, as games that are now produced are much more life like. For example GTA 5 heists, the game play is now more realistic in terms of how the game is played. The cars look more real, and the player can now play in first person view.
4) How has new and digital media changed the way institutions distribute their product?
As a vast amount of the population are connected to the internet, and have smart phones, and social media sites such as twitter have a high activity rate. Institutions are using this to their advantage, for example when the new X Box one was going to be released there were images of the console that were shown on line. This allows the audience to see what is being released thus making it more likely for them to purchase the product.
5) How might new and digital media threaten your chosen industry?
New and digital media can be a threat to my chosen industry, as there are now a range of other forms of entertainment that audiences have easy and free access too, for example downloading games on smart phones, furthermore developments in other consoles such as Play Station, are also a huge threat to X Box as they are the two biggest competitors in the gaming industry, and Play Station are always looking for new ways to satisfy their audience. For example PS are now looking to release a visual reality system, a head piece through which the gamer feels as if they are in the game.
6) How has new and digital media changed the way your chosen industry is regulated?
As games are more realistic the content of the games are more gory (in violent or horror games) thus most games are regulated at 18, which means that it will mostly be an older audience that is purchasing the games.
1)What examples of user-generated content can you find in your case study?
UGC - Giant bomb
- Star Citizen - Volume
-Shadowrun: Hong KONG
2) How has UGC changed things for audiences or institutions in your chosen case study?
UGC has not had any major impact on my industry, as the games that are made by gamers, or made in general, don't match the standard that games on the PS3/4 or XBox. Therefore UGC hasn't changed a lot in my chosen industry.
Marxism, Pluralism and Hegemony
1) What would be a Marxist perspective of the impact of new and digital media on your chosen case study?
The Marxist point of view on games could be both negative and positive, as in most video the narrative follows a theme of bring the ruling class down, however in actual fact games and games consoles bring in thousands to millions each and everyday, for example GTA 5 made more than $500 million dollars in its first week of sales worldwide. Thus games and games consoles keep the ruling class powerful, as the revenue from these games go to them. And as games are now becoming more enhanced and appeal to their audience on a higher level due to new and digital media, the revenue from that games that may be being released could be much higher.
2) How would a pluralist view the impact of new and digital media in your chosen industry?
2) How would a pluralist view the impact of new and digital media in your chosen industry?
Capitalist would find that games support the Capitalist views, as in games the narrative is usually that your player must bring the ruling class in the game down. For Example in Need For Speed, you must bring the higher drivers down, and become the best. As the best drivers show the view of the ruling class as they are powerful, and your character showing the role of an ordinary person, Capitalists would agree with video games.
3) Are there any examples of hegemony in your chosen industry or case study?
There is hegemony in my chosen industry, as gaming itself has power over people. The institution that provide the consoles and games, also have power over their audience as they are giving them what they want, thus controlling what they play and intake.
3) Are there any examples of hegemony in your chosen industry or case study?
There is hegemony in my chosen industry, as gaming itself has power over people. The institution that provide the consoles and games, also have power over their audience as they are giving them what they want, thus controlling what they play and intake.
1) How has globalisation impacted on your chosen industry or case study?
X Box is a console that can be bought worldwide, and through the use of the internet it allows people all over the world to connect and become one.
2) In your opinion, has globalisation had a positive or negative impact on your chosen industry and case study? Why?
I think that globalisation has had a positive impact on my chosen industry, as it has allowed gamers from all over the world to come together on a platform that they enjoy and understand.
However the fact that people can now stay at home and play games with people across the world or even in their local area, it means that socialization between people will cut down, as they can stay at home and play with their friends, thus there would be no need for them to go out to meet them.
3) Can you find examples of cultural imperialism in your case study or industry? (The 'Americanisation' of the world)
1) How has your industry or case study used social media to promote its products?
3) Can you find examples of cultural imperialism in your case study or industry? (The 'Americanisation' of the world)
Social media
1) How has your industry or case study used social media to promote its products?
Yes, a lot of games and game console producers use social networks to promote their products. For example when a new game or console is released, there will always be trailers that can be found on You Tube. This allows the audience a teaser of what is to come, thus increasing the likely hood of them buying the game or console.
2) Provide examples of how your case study has used social media and explain the impact this would have on audiences.
2) Provide examples of how your case study has used social media and explain the impact this would have on audiences.
Before X Box one was released, they made a Facebook page, With information about the console e.g. the design, new features etc. This was done as a teaser to its audience, as it would give them an idea of what they would be purchasing.
3) Is social media an opportunity or a threat to your industry and case study?
I believe that social media is a opportunity for my chosen industry, as it allows the institutions to market their products, and a vast amount of gamers are online, they will see this content. Therefore its an opportunity for the business to almost sell their products to the audience.
3) Is social media an opportunity or a threat to your industry and case study?
I believe that social media is a opportunity for my chosen industry, as it allows the institutions to market their products, and a vast amount of gamers are online, they will see this content. Therefore its an opportunity for the business to almost sell their products to the audience.
1) What statistics can you find to illustrate the impact new and digital media has had on your industry or case study? For example, in news, the UK newspaper industry sold more than 12m copies a day in 2001 but in 2014 it was below 7m.
Xbox (2001) - 24 Million units sold
Xbox 360 (2005) - 84 Million units sold
Xbox one (2013) - 10 Million units sold
Play station (1994) - 102.49 million
PS 2 (2000) - >155 Million units sold
Play Station Portable (2004) - 82 million
PS 3 (2006) - >82.7 million
PS 4 (2013) - 20.2 million
2) What impact have the statistics you have found had on institutions in your chosen industry?
3) What has the impact been for audiences?
1) What media theories can you apply to your chosen industry and case study? Select THREE media theories and explain how they are relevant to your case study. Note: these can be ANY of the theories we have learned over the whole of Year 12 and 13.
Hypodermic syringe model
Blumber and Katz - Personal identity
Todorov - Equilibrium
1) What media issues and debates can you apply to your chosen industry and case study? Select THREE media issues/debates and explain how they are relevant to your case study.
Wider examples and secondary texts
1) What other texts or institutions are also relevant to your case study? What would be good secondary texts or examples to use to support the findings of your independent case study?
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