1) Summarize the article in 50 words.
2) What are the positive effects of globalisation outlined in the article?
Firstly, it looks at the amount of people that have and use the internet, and approximately 2.2 billion people around the world have an internet connection and approximately 4.8 billion people are still off line. Thus in 2013 Google tried to solve this. They launched project Loon, they fitted large balloons with radio antenna devices and set them off over rural areas of New Zealand that didn't have access to an internet connection.
From the results that will initially received from this test, will then lead to more balloons being sent off. When people receive an internet connection for the first time, it allows them to do much more, for example, "the world becomes more accessible, and people are enriched by getting to know and understand it better. Increased choice and opportunities empower people, while access to information can enhance not only the ability to make informed decisions but even the democratic process".
3) What are the negative effects of globalisation outlined in the article?
One of the many negatives that are spoken of in this article, is ownership. When a small number corporations owns the most trending technology, they have all the control, this then stops smaller businesses that want to prevail in to the market, as they then cannot face the competition.
4) Write a definition of 'Moral panic' and 'Techo-panic'
A Techno - panic is similar to a moral panic, however its based around technology and or technological activity.
"A techno-panic is therefore a moral panic that centres on fears regarding specific contemporary technology or technological activity. Some of the dialogue regarding Glass and its release could be viewed as both moral and techno-panics" .
5) What are the concerns regarding technology and data/privacy?
concerns regarding technology:
The concerns around technology are that people will become less involved with on another and there will be a sense of alienation. As if there are two individuals having a conversation and one has the Google Glass on, the other person will not know the person is engaging in on the conversation, or if they are surfing the web.
Concerns regarding data/privacy:
The concerns that are around data and privacy is that people are afraid of privacy invasion, as when someone is wearing the Google Glass they can be filming and voice recording without anyone knowing. Thus of they are wearing the Google Glass how are members of the public meant to know whether someone is filming them or taking pictures of them.
The concerns around data are that whatever the person wearing Google Glass sees, can also be seen and heard by Google. If you were to wear Google Glass whilst going shopping and you were looking for a specific item or you were looking at a range of products, it would be valuable information for the owners of that specific company as they would be able to see what their customers want. And as Google have history of selling peoples data and statistics to other companies, Owners or potential owners of Google will be concerned.
6) What is your own opinion on globalisation? Should we be worried about fundamental changes to our society or should we embrace the 'global village' that theorists such as McLuhan talk of?
In my opinion globalisation cannot be avoided, it is how the world will move forward and how major large corporations will move forward. However along with the benefits of them being very successful, there are also the cons. For example they if only a small group of corporations have control, they will be in control and they may exploit there market, and they may only want a specific market, thus pushing other customers away.
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