Oculus Rift: 'virtual reality is still niche - it's hard to service millions'
The latest Gear VR device turns a smartphone into a virtual reality headset - but why partner with Samsung to create a rival to your own product?
this article is about a new product that Samsung and Oculus want to release. It's a virtual reality headset that connects to your phone (Samsung S4). They haven't officially released this product yet, due to them still making changes to it in order to increase the satisfaction received from the product. They are allowing people to use the product so that they can see what needs to be improved and what they can add to it.
- Attaches to the Galaxy S4
- Oculus teamed up with Samsung, because their phones have the technolgy that allow the Rift to work properly
- They are still altering what the end product will look like
As in the article, i also believe that this product will have a niche market (gamer market) as the Rift will not appeal to everyone, as they may see it as a inconvenient product. However I still think that this product will be very successful when it has been completely finished.
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